Duration: 1 day
1. Revival Awakening
We share our Azusa Now faith journey and give context to revival in terms of history and the current move of God globally and locally. Reasons are shared why revival is important, ingredients are given needed for revival and participants are set on fire for revival.
2. Fly United
Glory resides in unity, which is a key ingredient for revival. We invite different groups in a community together to experience a fresh outpouring of fire, forgiveness, love, repentance, healing, restoration and vision for revival to transform families, society and our nation. “And the glory which you gave Me I have given them, that they may be ONE just as we are one” (John 17:22)”
3. Glory Realm
We help people understand that we are created for glory and that there are different realms to access. The glory realm is His manifested presence. It is the sovereign realm of God, the realm of no limitations where transformation and miracles break out independently of man’s activation. It is a place of accelerated spiritual progress, joy, bliss, rest and wonder.
4. Bridal Brilliance
Discover your innocence, purity, power and extravagant beauty in the flow of the Glory and be dressed in your Royal bridal gown and be freshly filled with the oil and fire of the Holy Spirit.
5. Next Level Awakening
The day starts with prolonged worship followed by an intense soaking session in the knowledge of WHO HE IS and WHO WE ARE and that we are ONE. The more we awaken to the knowledge of Him IN us the more the Glory manifests. It is a day of waiting on God and seeing His handiwork apart from man’s efforts. People experience deep encounters with God and are never the same again!.
6. Healing
Divine healing inside and out for people is the will of God. Yet we see so many people plagued with physical illnesses as well as bitterness, emotional instability, anguish and depression who would love more than anything to have a miraculous intervention from God to heal them. We share Biblical truths and testimonies to help build faith followed by teaching and activation for everyone to be able to minister healing. Miraculous healing always takes place during this time.
Duration: 1 session approx. 2 hr sessions.
1. Renew the Mind
Biblical Perspective
2. Renew the Mind
Scientific Perspective
3. Grace
G.r.a.c.e. Gods riches at Christ’s expense.
4. Forgiveness
Uproot bitterness; heal your heart and calm your mind.
5. Sons and Daughters Arise
Discover and live in your redeemed identity.
6. Intimacy
Understand and experience the importance, beauty, bliss and fruit produced from intimacy enjoyed in a relationship with God.
7. Supernatural
Introduce the supernatural realm, benefits, role, gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit, signs, wonders and miracles.
8. Hosting His Presence
Discover and enjoy deeper encounters with God.
Duration: Friday – Sunday
1. Glory revolution.
Covers the Glory revolution; what it is and why it is important.
2. Love wisdom and integrity
Supernatural experience needs to be anchored in love, wisdom and integrity.
3. Signs wonders – Gifts of the Spirit
Signs wonders and gifts of the Spirit are necessary and powerful tools available for us and it follows those who believe.
4. Angelic encounters
Learn about angels, how to experience, receive and partner with angels.
5. Intimacy with God
There is nothing more important than being in a real relationship with God and spending time in the secret place with Him on a daily basis. Being in the secret place with God releases the Glory realm and in this place is provision for us, protection, and guidance.
6. Ecstatic Prayer
There are many ways and forms of prayer, but ecstatic prayer happens when the Glory realm is activated. It is a form of prayer not based on needs from God but on love and just being with Him in His Presence.
Duration: Friday – Sunday
1. Arise and Shine
The team helps to rebuild lives that suffered emotional breakdown and depression. They share vital knowledge and facilitate reflection, renewed thought, forgiveness, worth, vision and hope for the future. People are given Biblical strategies and tools to progress – and under the anointing the Holy Spirit does a dramatic accelerated work.
2. Redeemed Identity
Living from one’s royal identity in Christ is a golden key that unlocks a wholesome, happy, victorious life with Divine purpose and destiny. Yet, many people suffer a debilitating wound caused by a chronic lack of self worth which cripples their lives. Teaching, strategy, tools, revelation and personal testimony are given to guide people into freedom from the chronic ailment of inferiority towards a Divine identity in Christ as mature royal sons and daughters of God.
3. The Father’s Heart
It is the revelation of the good, good heart of the Father that brings us full circle to TRUST Him as we should. A negative childhood experience from an earthly father left unchecked blocks a person from enjoying the full benefits of a restored relationship with his/her heavenly Father. During the weekend retreat a space is created for forgiveness, the Father’s heart revealed including soaking sessions about HIS LOVE to instil restoration, relationship, intimacy, destiny and victory.
4. Passion, Purpose and Destiny
Once a person knows the Father’s heart, and they live from their identity in Christ they are catapulted towards Divine Destiny. On the other hand a life without purpose and destiny becomes a series of disappointments and frustration with a person ending up where they don’t want to be. The weekend retreat provides the knowledge, space and place to help participants ponder and uncover their passions, purpose and destiny and to write the vision down so that they can run with it.
5. Engaging the Glory of God
The glory of God is sometimes revealed in His manifested presence. Humans are created to behold God’s glory and we will long for it until we experience it like Moses did. God’s glory manifests Heaven on earth, often with signs and wonders and creates a supernatural realm where there is no time and where there are no limitations. In this realm God sovereignly touches and transforms people. During the retreat the team and participants press into this realm through prolonged divine worship, revelation, soaking and activation which drench participants in His love, His bliss and the atmosphere of heaven. Participants come away set free, fired up, electrified and starry eyed as radical lovers of Jesus, ready to move mountains for their King.
6. Revival Lifestyle – It’s naturally supernatural.
Many people are suspicious and fearful of the word supernatural and write it off as either New Age, witchcraft or church history. We delight in sharing scriptural truths that prove the contrary; that we are more than mere mortal beings, that we serve a supernatural God and that the supernatural is for today. We teach and equip participants to live continually filled with the Spirit, share the Gospel, heal the sick, operate in words of knowledge and deliver the oppressed. At the end of the retreat participants will be able to demonstrate Kingdom power as part of everyday life.
Village to village
Revival hotspots
Start revival fires in different places. Support church and community development via consultation, discipleship, conferences and supernatural schools, healing and deliverance, youth ministry, evangelism, lifestyle ministry, and church building. Revival hotspots are created to foster a sustainable revival and Kingdom and culture.
Within a revival hotspot different ministries, denominations and groups come together in unity to share resources, passion and vision for revival to transform their communities. The Love on Fire team provides teaching, consultation, inspiration and help to co-ordinate and advance these activities.
Go from village to village to evangelize and do discipleship outreach. Reach Islamic Communities.
Marketplace Ministry
The team develops partnerships with businesses, to facilitate transformation in the marketplace with a Kingdom culture.
Prayer, teaching, training, discipleship and evangelism are provided with a focus on; spreading the Gospel, transformation through renewed thinking and positivity, hope, honour, inner and physical healing, forgiveness, deliverance, identity and destiny, relationship building, leadership and work ethics.
Youth Development
Promote values via media to primary schools. Visit primary and high schools to evangelise
Host crusades and work with local churches and communities to fast track evangelism and the demonstration of God’s power. The desire is for multitudes to come into the Kingdom and for people to experience the goodness of God and His Kingdom benefits of miraculous healing, deliverance and transformation.
Get Involved
Hermien & Dawid
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