Jesus Christ is God supreme and central

in what we embrace, honour, believe and do.


GOD IS JESUS in the universe and beyond. He is one with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

GOD’S WILL is HIS KINGDOM restored on earth as it is in Heaven.

SALVATION is a free gift we receive by faith.

GRACE G.R.A.C.E is God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is based on the finished work of the cross. It is God’s unmerited, undeserved favor for mankind. Grace is not a lisence to sin, but freedom from sin.

HEAVENLY IDENTITY is lining our beliefs up with God’s opinion about us, who we are IN Christ. It stems from our understanding who the Father is and from this place we are launched into our destiny.

OUR SPIRIT MAN is supernatural, a new creation born of God from incorruptible seed . We are a spirit, we have a soul ( mind emotions and will ) and we live in a body.

AT-ONE-MENT is our mystical union with the Godhead made avialble via the cross, His death, resurrection, ascension and joint authority and seating with Him on the throne next to the Father. Colossians 2:10 Amplified Colossians 3:3 John 14:201 I am crucified with Christ – it is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me. Gal 2:20

SCRIPTURE is simple and profound. As we walk deeper and deeper into the ocean of God’s Love He peels away for us layers of revelation to uncover deeper secrets and mysteries of Him.

CARING FOR CREATION the environment and animals is part of our spiritual mandate.

SUFFERING We are to rejoice in suffering and handle it with endurance and patience trusting that all things work together for good for those who love God. Romans 8:28

THE SOLUTION of the world’s problems is the application of the authentic Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is not secular humanism, or philosophies and religions that has concept, form, ritual and tradition, but which is void of Gods demonstrated love and power.

THE MATURATION of ages. We believe we live in times according to prophecy when evil and good mature rapidly on earth. It is also a time when God progressively pours out His latter rain of Divine Glory on all flesh.


Hermien & Dawid



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